4 reasons for action
You are an individual
How can you support us ?
I make a donation *
I want to be a volunteer

You are an association ?
You are an association fighting against the isolation of elderly people
You are a company or a foundation
You want to support us
At all our sites, the work of the little brothers of the Poor is essentially financed by donations and bequests. You, too, can help by making a gift and thereby, to allow people to get out of their isolation, poverty and sometimes even out of the streets those whom society has left by the curb.
You wish to support the expansion of the international network of the federation, click on the button "Donate" *.
If you wish to support the programs of one member organization of the International Federation in one country, click on the corresponding flag to make a direct donation on the organization’s web site.
* Your gift will be processed by the French organization of les Petits Frères des Pauvres who will transfer it to the International Federation.