Niciodată Singur Association Opens a Social Lounge for Seniors in a Bucharest Supermarket
In 2025, mobilizing citizens to meet the challenge of an aging population
Thanksgiving 2024: LBFE actions – American association member of the Fédération internationale des Petits Frères des Pauvres
Second meeting of the African platform: a renewed commitment to ageing well in Africa
October 1st in the network
October 1: International Day of Older Persons
Bras dessus Bras dessous: A Commitment to Solidarity in 2023
Did you know that the Petits Frères des Pauvres sends young people abroad?
Actions of Les Petits Frères des Pauvres – International Women’s Day
12th Fundraising Seminar
The impact of the war in Ukraine on the elderly
Moments of joy for hundreds of isolated elderly people
United Nation Convention on the Rights of Older Persons
European group in Berlin
The Day of the Elderly in Germany
News from Friends of the Elderly Ireland!
German team meeting in Paris: A successful bilateral partnership
Strengthening the partnership between Dong Khap and Les Petits Frères des Pauvres
European Group
Who are the seenagers ?
The United States affected by an epidemic of loneliness!
International Conference 2023
Little Brothers support the Blue Marist Brothers of Aleppo
International Women’s Day !
Italy, the oldest country in Europe
Meeting with the Starenki Foundation
Fundraising Seminar 2023
Christmas in the world!
Petits Frères des Pauvres – France supports Ukraine!
Thanksgiving activities
Will Japan disappear?
General mobilization for October 1!
August 28: Celebration of Grandparents’ Day in Mexico
October 1: International Day of Older Persons
Back to school for Les Petits Frères des Pauvres – France
Every summer, American students get involved with isolated seniors in France: an unforgettable experience!
Elderly in East Africa on the brink of starvation
Romania: Niciodată Singur opened the first socialization center for lonely elderly people
Meet a partner organization in Greece: The Prolepsis Institute
Did you know? June 15 is the World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
A charity flea market to support the work of Amigos de los Mayores – México
Palliative care, a medicine for the end-of-life that is developing everywhere.
13th edition of the international fundraising seminar in May 2022
Meeting and reflection for the International Federation network
The right to go on vacation, a right for all ages
Haiti: Opening of a Health Center, a dream come true
Ukraine: Let’s not leave the elderly behind
Les Petits Frères of Québec Implements a New Local Team
Bringing comfort to incarcerated seniors
Christmas around the world
Let’s mobilize against the isolation of the elderly at Christmas
It’s never too early to commit
Thanksgiving with LBFE in the United States
Do you know “Ageism through the ages”?
The Quarantunes Concert: the innovative musical initiative of young Americans
The digital divide: a problem that affects all countries!
For October 1, organizations went above and beyond again!
1 October, International Day of Older Persons – This year, the PFP are mobilizing citizens
The Petits Frères make a declaration of love!
Summer of the Petits Frères des Pauvres around the world
Chatting, a solution to fight against isolation?
LBFE New Logo
Vacations for all!
In Quebec, the Petits Freres thanks all their 2917 volunteers!
Mother’s Day as an opportunity to raise awareness about social isolation
In Boston, Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly has brought their intergenerational program online!
Cincinnati’s International Dining Program allows to travel despite the pandemic!
A French study on the consequences of the health crisis on older adults
Celebrate Easter 2021 despite the Covid crisis!
The value of giving seniors a voice
The isolation of the elderly, a global phenomenon
Apolline and Guillemette tell us about their experience with the association Amigos de los Mayores Mexico
Our 1st 100% online fundraising seminar
Robot pets have therapeutic benefits for older people
Christmas 2020 celebrations were source of new ideas
The vaccins are coming!
Andreea has the commitment virus!
Friends of the Elderly celebrate their 40th Birthday in Ireland
Do you know Giving Tuesday?
Thanksgiving 2020 in the United States: an extraordinary celebration
The Covid 19 crisis reveals the need to help the elderly with digital tools
Freedom of movement in nursing homes: the testimony of the Petits Frères des Pauvres in France
October 1st, International Day of Older Persons
An International Perspective on the Health Crisis: Interview with Louise Aronson
Slice of Summer: spreading joy – safely – in Chicago!
Never alone, always connected – in Romania isolated elderly people use new technologies
Mr Emmanuel Macron, President of France, met the Petits Freres des Pauvres
Position of Amigos de los Mayores on the social and health crisis in Spain
The association Petits Freres des Pauvres supports a project in Burkina Faso
Elders have their say in the aftermath of George Floyd’s murder in the United States
Study on the effects of lockdown on the elderly
The Covid19 crisis around the world in pictures
Companies, the world of sport and gamers mobilize for our associations
Les Petits Frères in Quebec are mobilizing
In Mexico, solidarity was organized from the beginning in response to Covid-19
The association Freunde Alter Menschen and the situation of the elderly in Germany
In the United States, the country most affected by covid-19, all Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly chapters reacted very proactively
Lockdown and older people?
The associations of the International Federation of Petits Freres des Pauvres mobilized in the face of Covid-19
We overcome this isolation with the elderly, #LlamadasContraelSilencio
Our call for solidarity towards our elders
The launching of a large movement in favor of elderly in India
First Solidarity Concert organized by the association Amigos de los Mayores – México
A Christmas without undesired solitude in Spain
Loneliness of Polish Elderly Person
The action of the Freunde alter Menschen in Germany
On October 1st International Day of Older Persons, say no to loneliness and isolation of our elders
Poland – International Day of Older Persons 2019
Naye, from France, tells us about her volunteering experience in Ireland
Celebration of Grand-Parents’ Day in Mexico
This summer, two American students for our isolated seniors in Toulouse
My book of recollections
Pre-Hispanic celebration for the summer solstice
An international seminar on new forms of engagement was held in Lille from 23 to 26 May 2019
2018 – An exciting year for the Romanian association “Niciodată Singur”
Participation to the UN Working Group on Ageing
The North American working group adressess the loneliness epidemic
A new program “Tech Allies” to reduce the digital gap between generation
International seminar on fundraising in Barcelone
Christmas time, a difficult period for those who are alone
Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly in Boston has successfully developed a new intergenerational program
The international congress looks to the future!
The Polish organization Mali Bracia Ubogich celebrated its 15th anniversary!
A minister of loneliness appointed in the United Kingdom
Thanksgiving: one of the most important time of the year
Amics de la Gent Gran celebrates 30 years!
The day of the Dead: a colorful day!
On 1st October, we celebrated the International Day of Older Persons
Our international seminar on expansion gathered 50 participants
1st Anniversary of the new-born association in Romania
Sharing our experiences: a strenght for our network
The health risks of prolonged isolation are equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day
Two new member organizations joined the International Federation