Thanksgiving 2024: LBFE actions – American association member of the Fédération internationale des Petits Frères des Pauvres

On Thanksgiving, the five associations of the Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly (LBFE) network, members of the Fédération internationale des Petits Frères des Pauvres, mobilized to bring warmth and comfort to isolated elderly people. From Chicago to San Francisco, these actions testify to a strong commitment to fighting isolation and creating moments of solidarity.



LBFE Upper Michigan

In Upper Michigan, LBFE orchestrated celebrations in five counties. More than 1,200 meals were served at ten sites. Some volunteers also visited seniors living in retirement homes and presented them with flowers and a gift. Each home-delivered meal was carefully prepared. This Thanksgiving mobilization involved the whole community: schools, churches, businesses and volunteers joined forces to cook, serve and provide musical entertainment.


LBFE Chicago

In Chicago, LBFE hosted hundreds of seniors at two events, held at the North Side and South Side…. The meals, prepared in collaboration with Fight2Feed, included classics like turkey, stuffing and sweet potato pie. Beyond the meal, these gatherings allowed participants to bond and feel surrounded. “It’s not just the meal, but the friends I meet here,” testifies Hollis, a loyal senior for 20 years. These events would not have been possible without the support of the many volunteers who offered their time on this festive day.


LBFE Boston

In Boston, Thanksgiving was another opportunity for LBFE to strengthen its commitment to building a more inclusive city. The association’s activities helped not only to meet the food needs of isolated seniors, but also to foster their integration into the community. “Together, we are working to connect seniors to their neighbors and to the world,” emphasizes the Boston team.


LBFE Cincinnati

In Cincinnati, LBFE marked Thanksgiving by delivering much more than meals: moments of conviviality. With 43% of the city’s seniors reporting that they feel lonely, every visit and every meal is essential, bringing serenity and comfort to the recipients. The association took the opportunity to reiterate the importance of solidarity throughout the year, by launching an appeal for donations to continue these initiatives.


LBFE San Francisco

In San Francisco, LBFE invited volunteers to take part in the Thanksgiving festivities by delivering meals to homes or visiting the elderly. These events took place in the downtown area. Participants had the opportunity to experience a moment of sharing on this special day.


A committed network

These actions, carried out by our various U.S. locations, illustrate a shared commitment: to combat the isolation and loneliness of the elderly, particularly during the festive season.

Indeed, we know that loneliness among the elderly tends to increase during the holiday season. According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, some 27% of adults over 65 live alone in the United States. This insignificant factor can intensify feelings of isolation during this period of family gatherings. Beyond the numbers, the lack of meaningful social ties can be detrimental to the physical and mental health of the elderly.

Thanksgiving is an invaluable opportunity to raise public awareness of the isolation of the elderly and to promote their actions of solidarity. Thanks to the unfailing support of volunteers, donors and local partners, the LBFE association continues to support and accompany isolated seniors across the United States.





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