Thanksgiving activities

This year again our American friends celebrated Thanksgiving as it should be!


It was an opportunity for the International Federation of Petits Frères des Pauvres to take an interest in the actions conducted during this special day. The different associations were present and different solidarity actions were conducted throughout the country.


In Boston:

A big lunch gathering fifty guests was organized. It was an opportunity for the people accompanied to celebrate Thanksgiving all together and to share a real moment of conviviality. Also, about thirty community activities were organized. The goals were to reinforce intergenerational exchanges during this holiday season.




New York:

This year in New York City on Thanksgiving morning, twenty-two volunteers prepared and delivered homemade Thanksgiving meals to 22 seniors in Brooklyn, Manhattan and Queens.

Each meal contained a whole chicken, macaroni and cheese, soup, candied yams, rice and peas, fruit, vegetables, cake, and cider. A feast for the seniors who were able to enjoy a real Thanksgiving meal. In addition, some of the seniors were keen to invite their volunteers to stay and enjoy the Thanksgiving meal together.





LBFE’s work in Chicago was the subject of a nice report on CBS, a good spotlight! We see a whole team working on preparing meals to be distributed. Then, the reporter accompanies a volunteer to deliver the meals to the elderly. A touching report that makes us aware of the essential work of volunteers during the holidays. The images show the positive impact that volunteers can have on the people they serve.



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