German team meeting in Paris: A successful bilateral partnership

At the end of September, the German team made the strategic choice to hold their team meeting in Paris, a decision that fostered productive exchanges. This meeting provided the German team with the opportunity to meet and collaborate with their French colleagues. The German association operates in five cities: Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt, Cologne and Hamburg.

On the first day of the meeting, the German team focused on the issues and challenges specific to their association. This provided an opportunity for direct discussion, and highlighted the differences in the way the different cities operate.


Day Two: Productive Exchanges

The second day was dedicated to collaboration between the German team and the French team, with several topics addressed during this intense day.

The morning began with a discussion about the operation of the local teams within the French association. This unique operation, the result of many years of work, allowed the German team to observe the differences and similarities between the two systems. These discussions sparked numerous questions and generated new ideas.

Another essential aspect discussed with the German team was the presentation of the training center of the French association. The Petits Frères des Pauvres have significantly expanded their training center in recent years. This presentation emphasized the critical importance of training for both employees and volunteers. Volunteers are at the heart of the mission of Les Petits Frères des Pauvres and need to be supported throughout their commitment.

Subsequently, Barbara Bringuier presented the expansion of the Petits Frères des Pauvres in the Antilles, with the creation of the 13th region encompassing Martinique, Guadeloupe, and Saint-Martin. Beyond its anecdotal nature, this presentation illustrated the feasibility of managing a team at 8,000 kilometers. Barbara also emphasized the importance of considering the specificities of each territory. She reminded that while these overseas departments are part of France, they have their sociocultural, demographic, and geographical specificities. Therefore, it is imperative not to impose a preconceived model without considering the needs and expectations of the residents, volunteers, and those receiving assistance.

The meeting also provided an opportunity for fruitful exchange between the fundraising teams in France and Germany, allowing them to discuss the specificities of their field. This enabled the fundraisers from both teams to mutually draw inspiration from best practices and share innovative ideas, as well as strategies that have recently proven successful.


The Fédération Internationale des Petits Frères des Pauvres enables and encourages this kind of mutually enriching exchange. Thanks to our international network of associations, let’s work together for the well-being of the elderly people !


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