Between May 23 and 25, 2022, the fundraising managers of the organizations in the international network of PFPs met in Paris for two days of reflection.
The organizations present were: Les Petits Frères des Pauvres – France; Amigos de los Mayores – Spain; Asociația Niciodată Singur – Romania; Stowarzyszenie mali bracia Ubogich – Poland; Freunde alter Menschen – Germany; Friends of the Elderly Ireland; Les Petits Frères – Quebec ; LBFE (Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly) Chicago; Idősek barátai – Hungary, the Prolepsis Institute – Greece; Bras Dessus Bras Dessous – Belgium and POPE (People Organization for planning and Education) – India.
During this meeting, the first face-to-face meeting since 2019, the twenty fundraisers in attendance shared their fundraising techniques, shared feedback, and presented their future campaigns and projects. Members of the resource development team of the organization Petits Frères des Pauvres shared their digital and corporate fundraising activities. Mr. Olivier Loock, director of development of fundraising services for the Valentin Haüy organization, shared his organization’s fundraising strategy as well as their desire to develop “door to door” fundraising actions, the new form of fundraising in France.
These two days, rich in exchanges, also allowed to address during workshops the issues of communication and the use of social networks as well as the organization of fundraising events for large donors or companies.
The participants left with new ideas to develop fundraising in their organizations. They decided to continue these exchanges and reflections through quarterly remote meetings and agreed to meet in Barcelona in 2022.
Photo credit: International Federation of Petits Frères des Pauvres