Meeting and reflection for the International Federation network

Representatives of the member organizations and partners of the International Federation of Petits Frères des Pauvres met in May for two days of work and reflection on the future.

The first day was an opportunity to project into the future, based on the reflections of Yannick Blanc, President of Futuribles International, on the major trends and ruptures.

“Fighting against social isolation amongst the elderly should be the very first step of a policy of care. It is an absolutely fundamental step.” Yannick Blanc

Thanks to different presentations, the day was a real time of reflection for all. It was also the occasion to get to know more about the Federation’s partner organizations (or future partners), which are Bras dessus Bras dessous from Belgium, the Amitié Seniors et Jeunes organization from the Democratic Republic of Congo and People Organization for Education and Planning from India.

During the General Assembly, which took place the following day, a new President of the International Federation was elected: Jane Langridge, the actual President of the American network Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly (LBFE). She will take over from Giancarlo Russo, who is leaving for new adventures at the end of his mandate in July.

This meeting was also marked by the opening of a photo exhibition in honor of the elderly. Through 14 portraits from 14 countries, this exhibition shows the individuality and uniqueness of the women and men that the International Federation of PFP and their partners support daily throughout the world. It reveals the fragility of social ties, of life.

As the number of isolated, frail older people continues to increase globally, the International Federation will continue to grow its network, support its members, and also welcome new organizations whose mission is to fight against loneliness and isolation amongst the elderly. Together, we urgently need to restore the dignity and respect older people – all people – so rightly deserve.

These two days allowed everyone to exchange on how to better fight against the isolation of older people in the world and to strengthen the links of the network. Everyone went home with new ideas for the future.


Photo credits: International Federation of Petits Frères des Pauvres


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