October 1: International Day of Older Persons

A global challenge

October 1st is the International Day of Older Persons, an initiative launched by the United Nations in 1990 to raise awareness of the importance of protecting and valuing older people. With the world’s population aging at an unprecedented rate, the place of the elderly in our society is more crucial than ever. This day aims to combat ageism and respond to the challenges they face on a daily.

In 2024, the theme of the day is Aging with Dignity. This theme highlights the precarious situations faced by the elderly. This theme invites collective reflection on legislation and public policies to protect and support the elderly.


Precariousness among the elderly: A very real challenge.

Aging with dignity is a fundamental right, yet millions of elderly people around the world face situations of precariousness. According to the 2024 report by Petits Frères des Pauvres, 2 million elderly people in France live below the poverty line. This alarming figure raises the question of aging well. Many elderly people live on insufficient resources, making it difficult to access essential services such as healthcare, adequate food or decent housing. But poverty is not just a financial issue; unfortunately, economic insecurity reinforces social isolation.

Another worrying statistic is that, according to the WHO, 80% of elderly people will be living in low- or middle-income countries by 2050. The public authorities will have to be ready to respond to the problems created by this demographic transition.


A Convention on the Rights of Older Persons in the making

This International Day of Older Persons is marked by the hope that the drafting of an International Convention on the Rights of Older Persons will finally come to fruition. This convention, which has been under negotiation for several years within international bodies, aims to establish a binding legal framework to protect the rights of older people throughout the world. This project is supported by numerous organizations, including the Fédération internationale des Petits Frères des Pauvres.

The adoption of this convention would mark a decisive turning point in ensuring greater recognition of the rights of the elderly, by offering them legal protection against discrimination, abuse and marginalization. It represents a crucial tool for improving their quality of life and reinforcing their inclusion in our societies.


Here the link to the Petit Frères des Pauvres 2024 report : Vivre sous le seuil de pauvreté quand on a 60 ans et plus. – 1er Octobre – Petits Frères des Pauvres (petitsfreresdespauvres.fr)


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