Two new member organizations joined the International Federation

14 years after the Polish organization, the International Federation of the little brothers of the Poor has welcomed two young and dynamic organizations which fight against isolation of the elderly in Mexico and in Romania.
During its last General Assembly, held in November 4th-5th, 2016 the International Federation has unanimously decided to welcome the two organizations as new members. The Federation now has a total of ten members.

In Mexico, the organization, Macochoa Abrazar Amigos de los Mayoresfounded in 2012, acts for the most vulnerable elderly people of a poor area of Cuernavaca, near Mexico City. Together with an adult day care, group activities and home visits are developing. In 2016, the action started in two new places (Miacatlan and Altavista). Altogether, they are around 30 volunteers and more than 80 old adults in the organization.

In Romania, in 2006, after a meeting with the French organization, the Foundation of the Princess Margareta of Romania launched the program ”Never alone”, which aims to fight against social isolation of the elderly in Romania. With the support of France for the last 5 years, the program has developed rapidly and, by the end of 2015, the volunteers decided to create an organization dedicated to this cause and to call it Niciodata singur, prietenii varstnicilor (Never alone – Friends of the Elderly).


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