In Spain, more than 4.7 million people live alone. According to data from the INE Household Survey (Encuesta CoIntinua de Hogares), 43.1% of them are over 65 years old, which creates new political and social challenges when confronted with a phenomenon of undesired solitude that will continue to increase. Rising life expectancy for men, rising numbers of couples breaking up before retirement and the increasing number of older people left without a partner are some of the risk factors.
The Spanish organization Amigos de los Mayores is launching a donation campain to end loneliness among elderly at Christmas. Holidays are particularly delicate periods, when the memory of the missing loved ones becomes painful. For this reason, the organisation is intensifying its programs and organising 21 Christmas lunches in 17 Spanish cities, to which 2,000 elderly and volunteers are invited.
During the Christmas season, Amigos de los Mayores organises special socialisation activities in Catalonia, Aragon and Valencia Communities. A Christmas package is also offered to the 1,850 elderly people supported by the organization. The objective is thus to bring back enthusiasm for the holiday celebrations while creating or strengthening the social network of the elderly people who suffer from loneliness or social isolation.
Because there’s worse things than having 12 guests over for Christmas.
To have none.
Watch the video of Amigos de los Mayores donation campaign