Celebration of Grand-Parents’ Day in Mexico

In Mexico, Grand-Parents’ Day, unlike other Spanish-speaking countries, is celebrated on August 28. However, it should be remembered that more than half of the grandparents are not elderly, as the average age to become grandparents in Mexico is 45 years.

This Grandparents’ Day, which was established in 1994, aims to raise awareness in Government and society of the importance of grandparents in our lives and in the family. It also shows that being a grandparent is not synonymous with old age. In particular, this makes it possible to reaffirm intergenerational links, which are too often forgotten in retirement homes and hospitals.

As it has done every year since its foundation, Amigos de los Mayores – México celebrates the Day of the Grandparents and organizes very friendly celebrations, with cakes, music and gifts.

In particular, the association organised an outing to a water park “Las Huertas”, located in the heart of nature, with a picnic day, in which more than 50 people participated.  During this sunny day, the elders were able to forget for a while, their solitude, by sharing between all, games, joy and smiles.

The commemoration of this day is fundamental because it reminds us that grandparents are like the roots of the family tree, from which we must not cut ourselves, so that the sap, which is their wisdom, rises to the buds, which are our children.


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