Naye, from France, tells us about her volunteering experience in Ireland

Naye, age 23, was a volunteer with Friends of the Elderly in Dublin (Ireland) for a year. She has committed herself through the French program “Service Civique” and chose this organization because she wanted to contribute to relieve loneliness and isolation among the elderly.

”On completion of my volunteer service with Friends of the Elderly in Ireland, I had evolved professionally but most importantly personally. My main goal was to be helpful and available to others and I reached it through the organization. I experienced a lot whilst working with members of an organization who devote their time to the well-being of their elderly community. Their work ensure that older people don’ feel alone and can continue to enjoy their lives.

I was able to attend an exceptional number of events: a Charity Awards, DIT College presentations for the students, I met the Lord Mayor at the Mansion house, a trip to Newry in the North of Ireland, to name but a few and I also helped organize weekly activities like the Wednesday club, the movie club, Christmas or the famous Paddy’s day. I will miss all this very much and I have great memories because the Irish make these things particularly special with their warmth, their joy, their friendship, and their crazy funny madness!

Besides the festivities I worked in the charity shop, to ensure good management. Not to mention administrative tasks and friendly calls for older adults who live far from Dublin. You will understand that the tasks were very varied and diverse. This is what I liked the most because it allowed me to develop my autonomy and flexibility.

This year was rich in emotion, between laughter, incomprehension, joy with all the volunteers that I met from all over the world and the wonderful team at Friends of the Elderly, whom I want to thank from the bottom of my heart. I felt accepted in my entirety, I felt valued and understood. I want to thank them for the place and respect they have given me. I want to thank them for the luck and trust they have given me and especially I want to thank them for helping me to exploit the potential that I didn’t see in myself…. their support was precious to me » Naye-Wolriatou (Naye is her nick name)


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