Poland – International Day of Older Persons 2019

International Day of Older Persons (celebrated on 1st October) highlights the role of the elderly in the society and the necessity to spread all the activities aimed at ensuring their life in dignity.

On this beautiful occasion, employees and volunteers of the Association mali bracia Ubogich in War-saw, Poznań and Lublin will be giving flowers and their best wishes to the elderly on 29th September.

We have been giving our best wishes and flowers to the older persons encountered on this day nearly since the beginning of our existence. We want them to feel noticed and appreciated for their great hearts and life wisdom, especially on this day. Celebrating the International Day of Older Persons is also bound to give visibility on the needs of the elderly, prevent their social marginalization and provide another occasion for their integration with the younger generation – says Elżbieta Ślązek, Fundraising and Communication Coordinator in the Association mali bracia Ubogich.

On this special time, Polish mali bracia Ubogich are as every year inviting all the elderly for the CREATIVITY MARKET. It is taking place on 29th September (11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.) in one of the most beautiful parks of Warsaw – the Saxon (Saski) Garden.

We are organizing events on stage, free medical consultations and examinations, physical and recreational activities, workshops, contests and many other attractions – for instance, a rich artistic program is planned for our guests. We are going to see on stage: Wojciech Dąbrowski with the Great Final of M. Fogg’s Festival and stylish female and male elderly models with the 60+ Fashion Show. In the end, traditionally, DJ Wika beloved by (not only) Polish seniors is going to ensure fun.

For us it is not only the day of the elderly, but also of their friends. It is a great occasion to thank seniors for their presence, experience and high spirits they are sharing with us every day – says Joanna Mielczarek, Managing Director of the Association mali bracia Ubogich.


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